
Spalding Academy is a non-selective mixed 11-16 secondary school. We encourage prospective parents/carers to contact the school directly to enquire about school places.  Our Open Evening is held in September/October each year and full details are available on the website nearer the time.

For further information regarding admissions or for any help and advice please contact us.

All new Year 7 admissions are dealt with by the Lincolnshire County Council Admissions team. Lincolnshire children who attend a Local Authority Primary school will be given a booklet in September of their Year 6 to take home which explains the process.  Up to 2 March all enquiries should be made to the Admissions team at Lincolnshire County Council. After 2 March enquiries can be direct to the school. Further information regarding this process can be found on www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions

Please contact us directly regarding school place availability.  If there is a vacancy in the Year Group, then a place will be allocated.  If we do not have a place in the Year Group, applicants will be placed on the waiting list according to the admission criteria that is met and the procedure for Appeal will be explained.

Appeal forms can be obtained from the button above. Appeals are held within the statutory timescale and you will be advised of an appeal hearing date once your application is received.

Timetable for offer dates and appeals

  Secondary schools Primary schools
National offer day 2 March  16 April 
Appeals deadline Noon on 30 March  Noon on 18 May 
Appeals hearings begin 27 April 15 June
Appeals hearings end 19 June 17 July
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