The CREST Award is a national scheme to inspire young scientists

The CREST Award is a national scheme to inspire young scientists

To inspire our students to pursue their interest in STEM subjects, the Science department are encouraging young scientists in their popular Science Club to participate in the CREST Awards.

The first student at Spalding Academy to receive this nationally recognised award is Filip Cuchran in Year 8.

To achieve the Bronze CREST Award, Filip designed and carried out a project to investigate how bath bombs are made, and how their fizziness could be changed by adjusting the ingredients used. He experimented with several variations, recording his observations throughout, until he came up with his final recipe. Filip completed the write-up of his project by showing that he had followed a scientific process and adapted his work based on his observations.

Congratulations to Filip for achieving this award. The science department are looking forward to even more students achieving the Bronze CREST Award and helping Filip work on a new project to for the Silver CREST Award.

Students can work towards the Bronze CREST Awards in Science Club, which takes place after school on Thursdays in room G17. The club is for Year 7 and 8 students to develop their interest in Science in a fun and engaging way.

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