Executive Headteacher Update (Friday 17th December 2021)

Executive Headteacher Update (Friday 17th December 2021)

Dear parents/carers and students,

As we have now reached the end of term, I wanted to write and thank you all for your support and patience as we have negotiated our way through the Department for Education (DfE) guidance related to the COVID pandemic, which is ever changing and to say to you all how proud and thankful once again I am to all our students and staff.

This term has been different compared to others during the pandemic, with fewer restrictions in place for the majority of term, and we have worked in all our schools to ensure our young people have been appropriately supported to attend school and to continue to learn.

This term has also been a very successful one, packed full of activities and exciting news that can be seen via all three of our school websites, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Please remember that this way of sharing our news replaces the termly newsletter, as we want to make sure we get information out at a faster pace and far more regularly.

The details of all official school communications accounts can be found below and we will be sharing a review of the academic year so far on all social media platforms… please take a look as all the activities and events are truly awe-inspiring!

I would like to take the time to congratulate the Year 7 students for what has been a fantastic first term at Spalding Academy, and in particular the Year 11 students, for their conduct and hard work during the recent PPE (mock) assessments. After the considerable disruption they have undergone, their approach to this exam assessment series has been truly impressive. I have already communicated to parents / carers and students that the DfE and the exams regulatory body Ofqual have published guidance for schools regarding GCSE examinations 2022.

It is important to note that the Government is clear that students entering GCSEs in 2022 should still expect to take exams in the summer. However, the plans for exams 2022 also includes the need for schools to have contingency plans in case GCSE exams need to again be cancelled this year. These recent assessments will make up part of this process for our schools and we will be carefully looking at the results of the PPE’s to effectively plan any future intervention, so that we can ensure our students can be supported to be as successful as possible in the summer.

Additionally, I would also like to take the time to share some of the results from our staff, student and parent feedback, that was sought earlier in the term, with all details of this feedback also found on our website.

The feedback for Spalding Academy from our October 2021 SLATrust survey has been extremely positive in all areas, which I feel reflects where we are currently performing, that the staff and students should feel very proud of.

Some of the highlights include:


Click here for staff comments from the survey.

I am proud to be a member of staff at the school:93%
The school is well led & managed – clarity of the Headteacher:95%
Pupil behaviour is at least good at the school:90%


Click here for student comments from the survey.

I feel safe at school:97%
The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good:90%
Control of bullying:92%


Click here for parent/carer comments from the survey.

I feel my child is doing well at this school:93%
My child is happy at this school:92%
My child feels safe at this school:93%

I am sure that you will be pleased to hear that feedback received from staff, students and parents / carers in all three of our SLATrust schools has been a very similar picture, with all responses for the Trust being in the 90-100% range. This high level of positive responses reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff, students and Governors.

Finally, please remember that there will be a staggered start to next term, over the first two days, with all students fully returning on Thursday 6th January 2022. All details can be found on the school website – www.spaldingacademy.org.uk/covid-19-testing-january-2022. There is a high percentage of students engaging in the Lateral Flow Device (LFD) testing, and we have worked hard to erect our testing centres and re-train staff once again in readiness for the start of term. Please be fully reassured that all our systems are well organised and well prepared so that testing can be efficient.

I would like to thank you all once again for all your support, and I hope that you have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year!

Kindest regards,

Mrs L Conley
Executive Headteacher SLATrust

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