Geography students get creative to display their favourite places
Geography students get creative to display their favourite places
We are always incredibly impressed with how creative our students are – and this is across all of the subjects areas at the school.
Over the Easter holidays, the Geography department set our Year 7 students a homework project where they had to design and make a shoebox diorama about their favourite place in the world, or a place they’ve always dreamt of visiting.
As well as creating the shoebox, the students have to write about why they chose this place as the project is linked to the unit they’re currently studying called ‘Fantastic Places’.
The department thoroughly enjoyed judging the variety of entries from the students due to the individuality each student put into the project – ranging from their use of materials, artistic flair and the places chosen. We have chosen our favourites to share with you.
Well done to all of the students who put so much effort into the projects as you can see these entries were brilliant and show some real creativity!
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