Inspiring future careers during National Apprenticeship Week

Inspiring future careers during National Apprenticeship Week

National Apprenticeship Week is a national campaign running from 7th to 13th February 2022, which provides our amazing careers team the perfect opportunity to help students explore the world of apprenticeships and the many careers available.

Throughout the week, there is an engaging programme with activities and quizzes in subject lessons, resources available via ‘Show My Homework’ and information shared with parents/carers.

CLICK HERE for a Guide to Apprenticeships for Parents and Carers

The campaign is ideally timed for Year 9’s who are currently exploring their Key Stage 4 options plus all students should be considering their Post-16 and Post-18 options. Within these decisions students will at some point consider the possibility of an apprenticeship.

Students can start an apprenticeship when they leave school at 16 or after Sixth Form/College when they are 18. As an apprentice, they will earn a wage in a real job with real responsibilities and be able to study part-time towards a job related qualification. Time off to study is provided by the employer and the employer and/or government pays for the training.

There are now many apprenticeships up to degree and masters level, such as Dental or Veterinary Nursing, Marketing and PR, Law, Police, Paramedic, Nurse, IT and Cyber Security, Sport Coaching, The Forces, Engineering, Design, Journalism, Government and Politics.

For more information about Apprenticeships, visit

Below are a series of short videos related to subject areas:

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