Parent Governor Election

Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parent/Carer

The Articles of Association of Spalding Academy provide for two parents/carers of registered students to be members of the Local Advisory Board. At Spalding Academy two vacancies for Parent Governors have arisen. Parent Governors are elected by parents of students registered at the School.

The definition of a parent is found in the Children’s Act of 1989. In addition to the actual parents of a child, a parent can include any person who is not a parent of a child but has parental responsibility for the child or who has care of the child.

The School joined the family of the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust on 1 September 2016. The School is a mixed non-selective secondary school which is a learning centre that encourages students to Aspire, Challenge and Achieve. Significant responsibilities fall on the Academy Trust (in our case this is the Board of Trustees who delegate certain responsibilities on to the Local Advisory Board for the Academy).

The Trust is responsible for the school buildings and part of its land and it is the Admission’s Authority for student admissions. The Trust oversees and is ultimately responsible for the running of a large business with over 280 employees and an annual income of over £13 million, as well as meeting the extensive regulatory and reporting requirements. The Progress 8 Score for 2019 places Spalding Academy as the second highest performing mixed non-selective secondary school in Lincolnshire. Spalding Academy also prides itself for being known in the local community for the strong pastoral support provided for our young people. There is a robust pastoral support system, which is the central spine of Spalding Academy, so that all students feel highly supported in what is an increasingly complex and challenging modern world.

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please complete the Parent Governor Election Nomination Form and Governor Declaration of Eligibility Form together with a short personal statement (no more than 200 words please) about yourself for circulation to voters and return to the Returning Officer by 12.00 noon on 2 December 2019. An informal meeting with the Chair of Governors and/or Chair of the Local Advisory Board will then be arranged to ensure an understanding of the role.

Candidates should be aware of certain disqualification clauses relating in particular to bankruptcy and criminal convictions. If you are in any doubt about your eligibility to stand for election, please contact the Returning Officer who will be able to supply you with further details. You should note that an elected Governor is appointed for a four-year term and may continue in office even though their child may have left the school part way through their four-year term of office.

The main duties and responsibilities of a governor are set out on the attached sheet. Following a recent skills audit the governing body would particularly welcome the skill sets of:

Educational Experience: Due to the educational agenda being an increasingly complex one, experience of working in an educational environment would be of benefit to the School. This could also involve having experience of working with young people in an alternative setting, having an understanding of data analysis and tracking progress. Skills in this area are being sought as the role of a governor is to bring challenge and support to the leadership team.
PR and Marketing: Due to the increasing popularity and success of the School, experience of public relations and marketing would be of benefit, to further support promoting Bourne Academy in the community and beyond.

Please note that committee meetings are usually held on Mondays at 5.30pm during term time but this day can sometimes vary and there are a few times that a governor will be required to attend during the school day.

If the number of candidates exceeds the number of vacancies, an electoral process will take place via the ParentMail App. You will be notified of this via the Academy email system. The ballot period (if required) will commence on Monday 9 December at 10.00am with a closing date of Monday 16 December at 12.00hrs. The results of the ballot will be published on the school website and a notice will be placed in the school reception area on Wednesday 18 December 2019.

If you have any queries regarding the election or role please contact the Returning Officer at the Trust on

Yours sincerely
Miss T Miles
Returning Officer/Clerk to Governors

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