Spalding is a Good School – Ofsted Report

Ofsted Report
‘Spalding is a Good School’
Following our recent Ofsted inspection, 04 June & 05 June, I can confirm that Spalding Academy is now officially a Good school.
To work with this, previously graded ‘Inadequate’ school, has been a privilege and we are obviously overjoyed with this news, and the students, staff and parents deserve this recognition.
Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your on-going support.
Some key highlights are below …
- The school has improved rapidly
- Pupils’ behaviour is a strength of the school
- The school is a positive and harmonious community
- Pupils’ attendance is good and contributes to their strong progress
- The progress pupils make across the curriculum is now good, particularly at Key Stage 4
- The curriculum is well matched to the needs of the pupils and ensures that they are well prepared for the next stage of education
- Pupils receive good advice
- Pupils feel safe in school
- Leaders and staff have created an atmosphere of care and support and are determined to do their best for each pupil
- Pupils are polite and enthusiastic and display good attitudes to learning
- Leaders have high aspiration for pupils’ achievement
- Leaders and staff have created a culture built on shared values and the belief that all pupils can achieve well
- Equality of opportunity and diversity are successfully promoted through the ethos and environment of the school
- The quality of teaching is good
- The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good
- The wellbeing of pupils, both physically and emotionally, is a priority of the school
- Parents are positive about the way the school cares for their children, and staff are determined to support them
- Pupils feel positive about their education and are proud of their school
- Pupils are polite, confident and self assured
- The behaviour of pupils is good
- Pupils are proud to be at the school and want to do well
- Relationships are very strong, both between pupils and between pupils and staff
- Pupils are courteous and helpful
- School leaders and those for governance know their school well. Trustees are knowledgeable and dedicated