Staff feedback and comments from the recent annual survey
Staff feedback and comments from the recent annual survey
In the autumn term, the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust conducted an annual survey with students, parents and staff from all three schools who are part of our Trust. We had an overwhelming response with 1,390 students, 563 parents and 278 staff giving their feedback, which was completely anonymous.
From this we can identify where we need to make improvements but this also gives us an indication of how you think we are doing.
As you have taken your time to give us your feedback, we wanted to share with you some of the results and comments from staff that were specific to Spalding Academy.
Staff results
92% – I am proud to be a member of staff at Spalding Academy
95% – Spalding Academy is well led and managed (clarity of the Headteacher)
90% – Pupil behaviour is at least good at Spalding Academy
Staff comments

“There is a real ‘team’ ethos here and we all try to work together. I feel very supported by my head of department.”
“There is progression for younger teachers.”
“We find ways to include everyone in all activities. It is a friendly and positive school where the staff support is amazing.”
“I feel very proud working at Spalding Academy. I feel I am respected and professional progression is a real strong point.”
“There is clear guidance of staff expectations with clear easy to follow schemes of work and assessments.”
“Leadership always value the work which their staff are carrying out and always show their appreciation.”
“Mental health and well-being of staff and students is taken into great consideration.”
“The organisation of every aspect of school life creates an orderly environment and makes working here so much easier than it could be.”
“As an ECT, there is a wonderful support network around me, both with the training team and my department.”
“It is good to see the school investing in new buildings and capital projects.”
“I have worked in a number of secondary schools as a supply teacher and was absolutely thrilled when I was asked to work here on a longer term basis.”
“The Senior Leadership Team feel very much still part of the teaching community, and therefore the school feels very much like a large team, instead of small individual ones.”
“Behaviour and student expectations are really good, especially when compared to other local schools.”
“The school is always thinking ahead in regards to the national agenda.”
“I enjoy working here as I feel supported by the leadership team and they are looking at new ways to improve.”