Student feedback and comments from the recent annual survey

Student feedback and comments from the recent annual survey

In the autumn term, the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust conducted an annual survey with students, parents and staff from all three schools who are part of our Trust. We had an overwhelming response with 1,390 students, 563 parents and 278 staff giving their feedback, which was completely anonymous.

From this we can identify where we need to make improvements but this also gives us an indication of how you think we are doing.

As you have taken your time to give us your feedback, we wanted to share with you some of the results and comments from students that were specific to Spalding Academy.

Students results

97% – I feel safe at Spalding Academy

90% – The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good

92% – The control of bullying is good

Students comments

“This school helps provide support for those who need it and it always encourages me to strive academically.”

“I always feel like I should do my best to receive a signature in the Aspire Card system.”

“When I started I was feeling very anxious because I didn’t know how the school would be, but now I feel confident.”

“You look after students and make us the best versions of ourselves.”

“Everything about school is amazing and I absolutely love this school.”

“We take part in different sports and competitions that are really good for people who love doing sports and hobbies.”

“The education and the textbooks/resources you provide us with are really good.”

“The school sends positive vibes and supports students if they’re having a rough time anywhere.”

“There is a diverse range of subjects and the timetable spreads out subjects within the day.”

“I think that you are treating all of the students with respect and dealing with different situations in a professional manner.”

“You make everybody feel comfortable and it’s easy to talk to any of the teachers.”

“I believe that the school gives us many opportunities such as the Careers Fair, which can help us plan our future.”

“My school is providing me with helpfulness because I’m mostly never happy, but because of school I’ve started to be happier.”

“The teachers treat you like adults and make time for you if you need it, and make me look forward to their lessons.”

“I think the school gives us very good food at breaktimes and lunchtimes.”

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