Student House Leadership Roles.

Each of the 6 houses at Spalding Academy have a Student House Leadership Team. Students have the opportunity to apply for these roles at the start of the academic year and are appointed after interviews have taken place with their Head of House. Students hold their posts for one academic year. The roles within the house system allow our students to develop teamwork and leadership roles, as well as being a valuable experience which can be listed on their CV’s.

All students who apply for and are successful in gaining these roles are expected to be good role models around the academy; and ambassadors for anti-bullying and anti-discrimination. Please see below the specific descriptions for each of the roles.

 – Support the House at House assemblies: welcome the students into their assembly and support staff in keeping people quiet. 

– Tutor time support: Be supportive in tutor times for your House as directed by your Head of House, particularly when intra-House competitions are taking place.

– Academy House Council meeting representative: Attend all Academy House Council meetings and share the views of the rest of the house with representatives of other houses and Mr Bamber.

Liaise with the Head of House: Work with the HOH to raise House concerns and suggestions for improvements.

– House Boards: You are to maintain the House board and ensure it is pleasing to the eye.  Work with the HOH initially to identify their requirements.

 House Charity: support the House Charity and the House Charity Captains.

Support the House at House assemblies: welcome the students into their assembly and support staff in keeping people quiet. 

– Tutor time support: Be supportive in tutor times for your House as directed by your Head of House, particularly when intra-House competitions are taking place.

Academy House Council meeting representative: Attend all Academy House Council meetings and share the views of the rest of the house with representatives of other houses and Mr Bamber.

House Boards: You are to support the House Captain in maintaining the House board and ensure it is pleasing to the eye. 

House Charity: support the House charity and the House Charity Captains.

– Competition organisation: Organise the House teams for sporting events. Lead the House competition events with support from your Head of House, House Captain and Deputy House Captain.  To work with Mr Duggan to support sporting event organisation e.g. Sports Day, when required.

– Representation: Represent your House in House competitions.

– Publicise successes: Publicise the House competition success in assemblies and via the House board. Look at ways to publicise the competitive successes of your House peers, e.g. a student’s sports results from outside of school or that someone has won a competition in a non-sporting event.

– Charity organisation: Organise the vote for the House Charity with support from your Head of House, House Captain and Deputy House Captain.

– House Charity events/non-uniform days: To support your Head of House in organising the non-uniform days by advertising the events and reminding form groups of the expectation. Work with your Head of House and House teams to organise activities for the House Charity Days to raise the most money for your charity.
– Promotion: To promote your Charity on the House Boards and in assemblies.

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