Touch To Twickenham is a mixed non-contact rugby competition

Touch To Twickenham is a mixed non-contact rugby competition

We had a team of eager Year 9 students travel to Oundle School near Peterborough earlier this month to represent the school and take part in a national touch rugby competition called ‘Touch To Twickenham’.

Organised by England Rugby, the competition is a mixed non-contact version of rugby, which is played 7-a-side and where three female students must on the pitch at any one time. The competition gets it name as the finals will be held in the home of English rugby – Twickenham Stadium.

Many of our team had never played touch rugby (or even rugby) before so the format of the game was totally new to them. We were also taking part in the competition as one of the only non-selective schools and playing primarily against independent schools. That did not deter our students as they all performed exceptionally well taking each game in their stride.

Before playing and to warm up, the students from all schools took part in an energetic Drumba session which mixes drumming and Zumba.

In the competition, our students played brilliantly showing excellent teamwork, resilience, confidence and determination. We can be very proud to have come third in our group and in the final stage came 7th out of the 12 schools who entered.

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