The way that students dress is important to create a smart, disciplined and purposeful academic environment, and as role models to promote the public image of Spalding Academy in the wider community.
At the start of every term, students are issued with a ‘Strike Card’ to ensure our uniform standards are maintained.
Please note that it is extremely important for all items of uniform to be labelled.
If families are experiencing particular financial difficulty, the school may be able to assist with the provision of uniform as necessary. Please contact the school for further details.
School Uniform
Black blazer with Spalding Academy badge: Available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop. To be worn at all times on the school site unless specific permission has been given by a member of staff.
Plain black V-neck sweatshirt/pullover: This must be plain black. A pullover is in addition to the blazer, not instead of a blazer. No cardigans and no hoodies.
Spalding Academy Year group tie: Students keep the same colour tie in each year at school.
Black skirt with SLAT Trust emblem: Available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop. Must be no shorter than 5cm above the knee and no longer than 10cm above the ankle. Skirts must NOT be rolled over at the waist. Black trousers with SLAT Trust emblem can be worn instead of a black skirt.
Black trousers with SLAT Trust emblem: Available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop. To be worn off the ground and level with shoes.
White shirt: Long or short sleeved, worn tucked in and all buttons fastened. No revere or button-down collars.
Black leather effect school shoes: No trainers/pumps. No high heels. No sport makes.
Socks: Plain black only. No stripes, colours or white sport socks. No sports logos. No trainer socks and no knee high socks, or over the knee (socks must be visible above shoes).
Tights: Flesh coloured or black. No socks to be worn over tights.
Coat: Coat in dark colours preferred (not to be worn inside).
PE Kit
- Royal blue polo shirt with collar
- Rugby top (available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop)
- Plain black shorts (no stripes, colours or cycling shorts)
- Trainers (with laces and non marking soles)
- Football boots
- Royal blue football socks
- White sports socks (trainer socks are NOT permitted)
- Shin pads
- Mouthguard
Optional items to be worn ONLY for PE
- Royal blue sweatshirt (available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop)
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms (no stripes or colours)
- Plain black Skort (available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop)
- Plain black leggings (available ONLY from the Spalding Academy Uniform Shop)
- Plain black base layer (must be worn under tops or shorts only)
Hair Style
- No extreme hairstyles (i.e. no unnatural colours or contrast colourings are permitted and no shaven lines in hair).
- The school has discretion in these matters. Please contact the school if any of the above needs clarifying.
- Discreet hair accessories only.
Jewellery / Other
- A single small stud or small sleeper may be worn in each ear lobe.
- One ring on each hand is allowed but must be discreet.
- One bracelet or charity bracelet is allowed but must be discreet.
- No facial/alternative body piercing jewellery is acceptable.
- One plain necklace may be worn (not to be seen).
- No gel nails, acrylic or nail varnish (even natural colours).
- No make-up in Year 7 and 8. Year 9, 10 and 11 subtle make-up only.
- No false eyelashes, eyebrows or lash extensions.
- No fashion belts.
- Any religious head covering should be plain in either black or white.
Uniform Orders
Please note that all school uniform must now be ordered via ParentMail and the Uniform Shop building is no longer open.
You will be contacted by email when your order is ready for collection. Collection will be from the main school reception using the Neville Avenue school entrance (please use the intercom in the visitor car park). Arrangement can be made for your child to collect their order after school.
- Normal collection times will be Monday and Wednesday from 3pm to 6pm.
- Note that from w/c 1st July 2024 to w/e 6th September 2024, the collection times will be Monday (2pm to 4pm), Wednesday (2pm to 4pm) and Friday (8am to 10am).
You can contact us about your uniform order by email via
For help registering via ParentMail please email
Spalding Academy welcome donations of good quality wearable items of old uniform to be taken directly to main reception. These will be listed on ParentMail. We do not have the facilities to launder the items, so we kindly ask that any donations are clean. We rely on donations to make it a success. Thank you.