We promote a culture of positive behaviour and believe that rewards can be more effective than punishment in motivating students. It is the Trust’s policy to recognise, acknowledge and reward individual achievements by students.
The Trust does however understand the place and value of the use of sanctions to uphold good behavioural standards. Sanctions will be applied consistently and it will be fully transparent and clear to the recipient why the sanction is being applied.
Rewards for students
Positive behaviour will be rewarded with:
Positive points (House points – these will be individual and also cumulative towards the House total)
Reward postcards
Letters or phonecalls home to parents
Roles of responsibility (Form Representative, / House Council Representative, / School Council Representative, / Prefect / Head Student / Library Monitor)
Subject or House awards
Attendance reward each term (for 100% attendance)
Prefect reward breakfast
Most improved attendance reward (certificate and canteen vouchers)
Positive points (House points) are rewarded for:
Good work, behaviour, attitude and attendance
Helping others
Best in class
Perfect week
Community work
Above and beyond
Trust representation
Students who achieve the highest number of House points will be placed in the weekly top ten list and this will be communicated home via well-done postcards and assemblies.
A consistent high number of House points combined with attendance and attitude to learning averages will be rewarded with students being entered into the Super Prize Draw each term where students are rewarded with gift vouchers from £15 to £45. In addition, these students are then invited to a reward afternoon to watch a film at the end of term.
Below are the ASPIRE Passports for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10:
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