Help is on hand with Easter holiday revision sessions for Year 11
Help is on hand with Easter holiday revision sessions for Year 11
The Easter holidays can be a welcome break for our students and staff, but for our Year 11 students this is an opportunity to continue revising in preparation for their GCSE summer exams.
This is why, in the Easter holidays from Friday 1st April to Thursday 14th April 2022, Spalding Academy are running a series of two hour revision sessions that are subject and topic specific so we can ensure our students are fully prepared.
There will be sessions for the following subjects:
- Art
- English Language and English Literature
- Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- Maths
- Performing Arts
- Religious Studies
- Science
- Sport
All sessions are free of charge to attend and students do not need to wear school uniform on these days, but they should be punctual and prepared so everyone can benefit. Note that the canteen will not be open during the holidays so students should bring any drinks or snacks with them.
Spaces for sessions are limited so please register early and the deadline for booking is Thursday 17th March 2022. Information with a link of how to book has already been sent to all parents. Personalised timetables will be given to all students in the last two weeks of term with confirmation of places.
There will be additional revisions planned for the May half term break and we will continue to run weekly lunch and after-school revision sessions leading up to the summer exams.