End of KS4 Progress Score (Provisional)
End of KS4 Progress (Provisional)
We are pleased to share the Department for Education 2019 (provisional) end of KS4 progress score for Spalding Academy places the school again as the second highest performing mixed non-selective secondary school in Lincolnshire, with an end of KS4 progress score of +0.21 (+0.14 2018).
The end of KS4 provisional results were published in October 2019 and in January 2020 we will see published any revised figures, which we expect to see unchanged, which will include updates, for example due to late results, amendments following re-mark requests and student changes made via the schools checking exercise.
In January 2020 the revised figures will also include more detailed breakdowns than the provisional data.
This information can be found here.
At Spalding Academy, we do not see that exams results are the only goal for our learners to achieve and I would like to share with parents that the exam success achieved in 2019 was the result of both challenge and high support.
The behaviour and attitudes of our students are very good, with Spalding Academy providing a positive, respectful culture in which staff know and care about all learners. Spalding Academy also prides itself for being known in the local community for the strong pastoral support provided for our young people. There is a robust pastoral support system, which is the central spine of Spalding Academy, so that all students feel highly supported in what is an increasingly complex and challenging modern world.
We would like to congratulate all of the students and staff that have worked so hard in 2018/19 and this positive score sees the recognition that they deserve, which we are pleased to share is set to continue this year in the summer of 2020.