Would you like to exhibit at the SLAT Careers Fairs 2025?
Would you like to exhibit at the SLAT Careers Fairs 2025?
One of the highlights in our careers calendar of events are our annual Careers Fairs. These events continue to grow year-on-year and are popular with students in all years and their parents/carers.
We always are lucky to have such a diverse range of employers or organisation attend these events from the following sectors: Business & Professional, Care, Medical & Charity, Manufacturing, Construction & Engineering and the Uniformed Services. There are also Universities and higher education institutions, further education and apprenticeship providers as well as our very own SLAT Sixth Form.
We are pleased to announce the dates for the Careers Events 2025 are as follows:
Cowley Academy
- Thursday 9th October 2025
Spalding Academy
- Thursday 16th October 2025
Giles Academy
- Thursday 6th November 2025
Bourne Academy
- Thursday 20th November 2025
We will communicate further information to students and parents/carers in September 2025.
If your business would like to attend one or more of these events, please ensure they book their stand by Friday 25th April 2025. There is no charge to attend and you can book using the following link: https://forms.office.com/e/yQakgTfTtg
Each Careers Fair will be open from 12.00pm to 4.30pm. From 12.00pm, there will be opportunities for Years 7 to 11 to attend (and Years 12/13 at Bourne Academy). Plus, from 3.15pm, the Careers Fairs will be open to parents/carers.
If you have any queries, please contact the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust Careers Team via careers@bourneacademy.org