Spalding Academy has been ranked 1st out of 131 schools in the region

Spalding Academy has been ranked 1st out of 131 schools in the region

Students in the schools in our Trust and all across the country use GCSEPod as an online revision platform to help with GCSE English, Maths and other subjects. By using award-winning learning such as this can make a difference in the GCSE grades our students will acheive.

We were pleased this week to hear that GCSEPod have ranked Spalding Academy as 1st out of 131 schools in the region for the usage by our students.

This is a testament to the hard work and dedication that our Year 11 students have been putting into their studies and preparing for their exams. We would like to thank all of the students and parents for their continued efforts as the rewards will be worth it.

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