Information Evening

Show My Homework
Parent Information Evening

Dear Parent/Carer,

Now that Show My Homework (SMHW) has been fully launched to staff; students and parents /carers, I am delighted to update you that we are now at 90% student usage.

Once parents have had a few days to log on to SMHW we will update with key statistics on parent usage too.

When we made the decision to buy into SMHW we requested that the SMHW team offered support to the school by offering an after-school training and information session for parents/carers, so that we could fully share our vision for why this product is best for our school.

Therefore, I am delighted to inform all parents that we will be running an information evening on:
09 December 5-6pm

This session will be delivered by one of the training staff from Satchel / SMHW and it will show parents just how fantastic this product will be for our school community.

If you have any questions come along and find out more about SMHW!

Please email the SMH email tab if you would like to attend this event:

We look forward to seeing you there.

Executive Headteacher

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