An update from the Bourne Academy Sixth Form Open Evening
An update from the Bourne Academy Sixth Form Open Evening

The Sixth Form Open Evening at Bourne Academy took place on Thursday 18th November and welcomed hundreds of parents and students from Spalding Academy, Bourne Academy and other secondary schools from across Lincolnshire.
Visitors had the opportunity to attend presentations from the Executive Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form as well as speak to teachers and students from all of the subject areas plus participate in activities.
Our brand new Sixth Form Prospectus 2022 was launched on the evening, and you can download a copy by clicking the image below.
To find out further information about Bourne Academy Sixth Form including subject guides, visit
Applications are now open to apply for Sixth Form and the first deadline to apply is Friday 17th December 2021. Students who apply by this date will be able to choose their preferred subject options.
If you have any questions about Bourne Academy Sixth Form or the admissions process, please email