Y7 Enterprise Challenge

Year 7 Enterprise Challenge with Peterborough United Football Club

On Wednesday 16th October, representatives from Peterborough United came into school to run an enterprise event with our Year 7 students.
The purpose of the event is to start to build on the transferrable skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, organisation, confidence and public speaking to name a few. All of these skills will benefit our young people as they progress through school, onto university, employment and beyond. 

The students were given one of two tasks, to design a new football kit for the club or a new logo/badge along with calculating the club’s finances. They set to work allocating each other jobs within their teams; we had some fantastic managing directors and finance officers!

Once they had finalised their ideas, each group then took turns to present and sell their ideas to the other students and Peterborough United. 

It was great to see the students working together and sharing their ideas, the result was just fantastic. All the students thoroughly enjoyed the event and their feedback has been very valuable. Many of them stating how much they enjoyed working with new people, presenting their ideas in front of the other students and being able to use their creativity. I think we really do have some young budding Alan Sugar’s in our midst!

The winning team were given 2 tickets each to a future Peterborough United football match.
Our thanks goes to Gavin Slater and his team from Peterborough United for coming and sharing this opportunity with our students.

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