This is a core subject which all students will study for 4 hours per week and on successful completion leads to one GCSE.
GCSE Maths builds upon and extends the mathematical skills and methods developed in the lower years.
We follow a three-year GCSE Maths plan which means that students begin their Maths GCSE at the start of Year 9. Students will either follow the Foundation Tier or the Higher Tier. Those students following the Foundation Tier course can achieve grades 5-1, whilst those following the Higher Tier can achieve grades 9-4.
All students will require a scientific calculator and a selection of geometry equipment, available to purchase from the Maths Department
- Number
- Ratio and Proportion
- Algebra and Graphs
- Geometry and Measure
- Probability and Statistics
The entire course is examined at the end of Year 11. There are three papers each lasting 1 hour 30 minutes.
- Paper 1 – Calculators are not allowed
- Paper 2 – Calculators are allowed
- Paper 3 – Calculators are allowed
If you achieve grade 9-7 in GCSE Maths you could study A-level Maths at Bourne Academy Sixth Form.
GCSE Maths allows students to develop a wide range of skills that will be desirable in many careers, such as teaching, finance and banking, engineering, technology based jobs, medicine and nursing as well as being an essential entry requirement for most other career paths.